Saying For Today: Holy Saturday says that without patience, without faithful and hopeful waiting, without silence and solitude, we cannot fully participate in and enjoy sharing in the Life of Christ.
Welcome to OneLife Ministries, an online, interspiritual-integral ministry of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi and Love Light Fellowship. This site is here to lead you into a heart experience of Divine Presence, Who is Love. We recognize that of the Sacred in each one and celebrate the diversity of expressions of our Oneness in Grace. We are for peace and nonviolence, and equal rights and justice for all. I hope persons of varied wisdom paths will find inspiration here. Welcome!
Blessings, Arem Nahariim-Samadhi, MDiv, MFT, PhD
Vowed Contemplative, Greenbough House of Prayer Interspiritual Teacher, Author, Chaplain, Spiritual Counselor-Healer
You are invited to join Arem at Love Light Fellowship on Facebook.
We Share One Life, We Are One Life
Faith Affirmation of Love Light Fellowship
An Interspiritual-Interfaith Life Community For Worship, Friendship, Spiritual Guidance, and Training in Living the Way of the Heart
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23Jesus answered, "Time's up. The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24"Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over. 25In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you'll have it forever, real and eternal."
*St. John 12, The Message
Entering the Inner Sanctuary
Enter this sanctuary time by settling down, becoming quiet, and breathing deeply a few breaths. Remind yourself you are in the Presence of Love. This place you are entering, within, is the inner Temple. Here, you are One with Spirit and all persons, and Nature. You may use a mantra, or prayer phrase, follow the breathing in-and-out, or witness the arising and falling of all around you as the manifestation of universal-Grace. Enjoy these moments of Quiet and come out when you are ready. The following video is provided, for those who would like meditative music to accompany your Quiet contemplation:
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So, what is holy about Holy Saturday? What could be holy about a corpse, a tomb, confused disciples hiding for their lives, and family and friends grieving Jesus' death on a cross? What could be holy about the waiting, the emptiness, the lostness associated with that Saturday and such times in all our lives? Is it possible that such a day could be as holy as the days prior and the glorious Easter to come? Or, is such a day, such times in life, an interruption to traverse as quickly as possible?
Henri J. M. Nouwen writes, in Weavings (January 1987), of the role of waiting in our relationships. “Waiting together, nurturing what has already begun, expecting its fulfillment—that is the meaning of marriage, friendship, community, and the Christian life.” Indeed, life is process, and all our relationships participate on the stage of the Drama of the Divine, and this Drama is unfolding moment-by-moment in time.
Holy Saturday is sandwiched between Good Friday and Easter Season. We could call it a Waiting Day. But, even as in the illustration of the grain of wheat buried in the ground, in Jesus’ reference to his coming death and Resurrection, we are to appreciate the place the tomb plays in-between the cross and the Resurrection.
Holy Saturday reminds us that entering the sanctuary of our own heart, entering the nakedness of nothing between God and us, is as important as our loving service to others. Holy Saturday says that without patience, without faithful and hopeful waiting, without silence and solitude, we cannot fully participate in and enjoy sharing in the Life of Christ.
Holy Saturday is,indeed, a holy day. Likewise, the waiting times times, the in-between times, of our lives can be moments of cherished remembering and joyful anticipation.
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The Essence of LOVE-Mysticism is to look "within," to find there the Light of G-D That is in Everyone...
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi and Love Light Ministries. 04/23/11